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Carbon Graphite Materials Are a Solid Choice for Food & Pharma Applications

Carbon Graphite Materials Are a Solid Choice for Food & Pharma Applications

Catch Metcar in the May 2021 issue of Pumps & Systems to learn about how carbon graphite can be a solution in food and pharmaceutical applications.

OEM vs PMA Replacement Parts for Aircraft Service & Repair

OEM vs PMA Replacement Parts for Aircraft Service & Repair

When aircrafts need to be serviced, parts can either be replaced with an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) part or with a Parts Manufacturer Approval (PMA) part.

6 Ways Carbon Graphite Moves the World

6 Ways Carbon Graphite Moves the World

Carbon graphite is not a common material choice for the average consumer. While many of us may not be aware of it, carbon graphite parts are used all around us.

How to Choose Long-Lasting Wear Rings for Centrifugal Pumps

How to Choose Long-Lasting Wear Rings for Centrifugal Pumps

Wear rings are used to help increase pump efficiency and reduce metal to metal contact.

Metcar Marks 75 Years of Going to the Extreme | Carbon Graphite Manufacturing Experts

Metcar Marks 75 Years of Going to the Extreme | Carbon Graphite Manufacturing Experts

2020 marks 75 years since Metallized Carbon Corporation was founded. Read more and watch the video from our team.