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Medical Ultrasonic Imaging: Using Carbon Graphite Beyond Mechanical Applications

Medical Ultrasonic Imaging: Using Carbon Graphite Beyond Mechanical Applications

Carbon graphite’s mechanical properties are unparalleled by any other commercially available material. Its ability to self-lubricate, combined with its incredible oxidation resistance and mechanical strength has undoubtedly made it one of the most versatile engineered materials on the market.

Jet Fuel Pumps and Meters: Carbon Graphite Bearings Offer Huge Savings

Jet Fuel Pumps and Meters: Carbon Graphite Bearings Offer Huge Savings

Over 20 billion gallons of jet fuel and aviation gasoline fuel are consumed annually by American civil aircraft alone, according to a recent FAA Aerospace Forecast.¹

This number is expected to climb to just under 30 billion gallons by 2037. These volumes are astounding considering only a relatively small segment of the worldwide aerospace market is included in the forecast.

Avoid Piston Assembly Failure with Oil-Free Designs

Avoid Piston Assembly Failure with Oil-Free Designs

Pistons in air compressors, steam engines, and vacuum pumps often utilize a pressure feed lubrication system using lube oil pumps. Failure of this lubrication system can have devastating effects on the piston’s operation, which is why proper lubrication in a piston assembly is an essential consideration when designing traditional pistons.

The Complete Guide to Choosing Pre-Engineered Carbon Graphite Bearing Assemblies

The Complete Guide to Choosing Pre-Engineered Carbon Graphite Bearing Assemblies

Imagine being tasked with designing a 50-foot heat treatment conveyor furnace to process material 16+ hours a day. This type of furnace can reach upwards of 2000°F and can easily have over a hundred rotating shafts, each of which requires regular maintenance.

Power Plants Turn to Carbon Graphite Materials to Boost Safety and Lifespan

Power Plants Turn to Carbon Graphite Materials to Boost Safety and Lifespan

Although there are many different types of power plants in use today, the basic premise of operation is consistent from plant to plant. Some type of energy source, such as natural gas, nuclear material, or coal, to name a few, is used to produce heat. That heat is then used to boil water and create pressurized steam. The high pressure steam then spins large turbines which utilize magnets and coils to produce electricity via Faraday’s law of induction. Through this process, a single power plant can power an entire city.