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How to Choose Long-Lasting Wear Rings for Centrifugal Pumps

How to Choose Long-Lasting Wear Rings for Centrifugal Pumps

Wear rings are used to help increase pump efficiency and reduce metal to metal contact.

Metcar Marks 75 Years of Going to the Extreme | Carbon Graphite Manufacturing Experts

Metcar Marks 75 Years of Going to the Extreme | Carbon Graphite Manufacturing Experts

2020 marks 75 years since Metallized Carbon Corporation was founded. Read more and watch the video from our team.

How Industrial Pipe Valves Handle the Pressure

How Industrial Pipe Valves Handle the Pressure

Industrial valves are an integral component of most fluid handling systems. They must be engineered with meticulous attention to detail in order to ensure they can handle the variety of application conditions they encounter.

Metcar Joins FSA: Achieving Higher Standards & More Sustainable Manufacturing

Metcar Joins FSA: Achieving Higher Standards & More Sustainable Manufacturing

Metcar is proud to announce that we are members of the Fluid Sealing Association (FSU) as of October 2019.

5 Food & Beverage Applications that Benefit from Carbon Graphite

5 Food & Beverage Applications that Benefit from Carbon Graphite

Food and beverage industries have successfully used carbon graphite materials for many years in all types of applications.