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6 Ways Carbon Graphite Moves the World

6 Ways Carbon Graphite Moves the World

Carbon graphite is not a common material choice for the average consumer. While many of us may not be aware of it, carbon graphite parts are used all around us.

Metcar Marks 75 Years of Going to the Extreme | Carbon Graphite Manufacturing Experts

Metcar Marks 75 Years of Going to the Extreme | Carbon Graphite Manufacturing Experts

2020 marks 75 years since Metallized Carbon Corporation was founded. Read more and watch the video from our team.

What Is graphitization? A Carbon/Graphite Engineer Explains

What Is graphitization? A Carbon/Graphite Engineer Explains

As mechanical seals and bushings need to be replaced or are required to withstand higher temperatures and pressures, more engineers are opting to use carbon materials for their mechanical components.