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The Science of GRAPHITE's Self-Lubrication in air

The Science of GRAPHITE's Self-Lubrication in air

Proper lubrication of a mechanical system can make or break a design. Any application in which rubbing occurs requires lubrication to prevent excessive wear, heat buildup, seizing, and—in worst case scenarios—complete system failure. Lubrication concerns range from

From Powders to Parts: Carbon Graphite manufacturing Process (Part II)

From Powders to Parts: Carbon Graphite manufacturing Process (Part II)

In Part I of this blog series, we discussed the initial steps of mechanical carbon graphite production, starting with the mixing of raw powders. That post outlines the processing steps that are required to produce plain carbon graphite. Part II addresses the various post-processing steps that can be applied to plain carbon graphite after baking.

Self-lubricating materials for space and cryogenic conditions

Self-lubricating materials for space and cryogenic conditions

When most people think of rocket propulsion systems, they envision the violent combustion that propels the booster forward and gives off immense heat during operation. 

5 Tips for Minimizing Carbon Graphite Bearing Wear

5 Tips for Minimizing Carbon Graphite Bearing Wear

Over the course of operation, carbon graphite bearings will experience wear due to friction between the bearing and the rotating shaft it supports.

How Carbon Graphite Keeps Continuous Board Dryers Rolling

How Carbon Graphite Keeps Continuous Board Dryers Rolling

Gypsum wallboard is everywhere. The construction industry uses this material as much as possible because of its durability, versatility, and affordability.